Saturday, June 15, 2013

Minna! Esper Dayo! ep 8

What's happening to this dorama?! Its just no longer funny. Episode 8 is about Tengaman getting bewitched by a fat overweight but it was so boring, even with the team working together. The best bits were of the Yoshiro-Miyuki-Asami triangle with Asami not believing in espers and Yoshiro and Miyuki being able to hear each other's thoughts.

The episode ends with Yoshiro finally responding to Asami's thoughts instead of always running away. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to label it a 'do not watch'. Come on Sono Sion, I believe in you!


  1. Shane9:33 am

    This was terrible from ep1 in my opinion.

  2. Anonymous3:59 pm

    Rootabega here.
    I have an open (i.e. dirty) mind, but there is absolutely nothin' for me to latch onto in this case. And, Akiramike, what is a "fat overweight"? I'm worried about what this show is doing to your normally sharp mind.;)
    Now, Kumo no Kaidan, on the other hand...I just howled my way through ep.9. Soooo bad, it's good. You know what they call a terrible actor in Japan? A "daikon" or "giant radish" actor. KNK features a very stoned looking daikon. This is the best crap I've seen since Jotei.

  3. Hhmm, I left out the &. I can't believe you are still watching Kumo no Kaidan. I'm someone else can retime the Japanese subs, I might continue torturing myself with the rest of the episodes.

  4. Anonymous5:11 pm

    R. again. Ya, KNK is baaaad. I usually prefer to watch stuff that doesn't insult my intelligence or bore me witless, but if something is epically awful, I will undergo the torture. I have a dorama "M" streak, but the material has to be extraordinarily awful to bring it out.

  5. I agree with Shane - Esper was so-so from the beginning. And so is Sion Sono, don't understand what you found in him.

  6. Love Exposure, Noriko's Dinner Table and Be Sure to Share do nothing for you?

  7. Haven't seen the last one (and from the trailer it looks that it might be my cup of tea), but I didn't like LE and NDT. The same goes for Himizu and Suicide club. It is probably because I watched too many "arthouse-ish" weird movies in my teen years and now I just grew out of them and have allergy on anything of that sort and about fucked up japanese schoolboys/girls. Instead of empathizing with them I want to knock out all the shit from their stupid bratty heads :/

    This is where our tastes have the most divergence - I find those sort of movies overly pretentious now and tend to like more normal, "grown up" and family oriented shows like those from the post about 2012 dramas.

    Other than that I find our tastes match in most of the cases, so I really enjoy your ramblings))

  8. Oh well. At least you tried Sono Sion.
