Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Shotenin Michiru no Mi no Uebanashi 6-10

Gah, so close to being a must watch show! I like dark shows when its about putting regular people with slight problems in unusual situations. I was watching this show expecting to see people go to extraordinary lengths for money. Its easy to be friendly until money is involved.

Unfortunately Kora Kengo had to kill everyone and had me wondering what Shotenin Michuru was about. This country girl, Michuru and her creepy childhood friend who just offs everyone who is a threat to her? The only available answer is a show about finding happiness, tying in with Michuru's mom at the church and they way she lives her life.

At the end of episode 9, we finally meet the narrator and this is where the show picks up. Is there going to be a showdown between Michuru and Kora Kengo? The answer is no cause we get this nice little twist about the narrator in the middle of episode 10 which should have been at the end of an episode and then a quick ending. Creepy Kora Kengo should have appeared earlier and they should have introduced the narrator in episode 9 and revealed the twist at the end of it.

Don't really get this show cause Michuru gives up the money at the end of it. Maybe I missed something in the dialogue? This dorama is not about the evil things that people do for money, its about this serial killer childhood friend. I wouldn't say the money is the main cause of Michuru's troubles. I just feel sad more than angry. So wanted this to be good.


  1. Anonymous9:48 pm


    I was so disappointed. Felt like there was no twist at all. I was waiting for some revelation from Kengo that would somehow allow us to comprehend his relationship with Michiru or just even himself. There was not really a point to this drama besides 'don't get involved in affairs interstate' and get your fiance and colleague killed in the process. The only interesting character was kora's classmate.

    At least that dark Kaho drama grabbed me somehow because the characters had a certain charisma about them or just some sort of relatability. I could actually empathise with her character (given her past) despite how she was cold-blooded enough to involve that poor his death!

    Let down because the characters weren't explored.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was disappointed with the drama after Emoto Tasuku is ***

    When I read the synopsis, I was expecting that the money will be the center of the drama, but it's only a help to her choice to stay in Tokyo...

    And the ending, I was like "it ended like this??"

    It was a pity...

  4. In my eyes this was about taking control of your life. Almost everything/ one that came Michiru's way was actually an obstacle, and tried to control her. Including the money. Maybe not the people who really loved her (her family and Ando Sakura). She just didn't know how to handle things.
    The irony is that at last Nao Omori's character is the one taking control. for her good. She stays passive, but manages to veer in the right direction.
    I loved this series, even the ending : )

  5. Taking control by throwing away all her money that would have set her up for life?

  6. Anonymous11:18 pm

    I agree with Antspace. In a way, I also think it's actually about making a decision for your own life.

    Michiru's sister thought it was rather assertive of Michiru for actually going off somewhere and trying out
    own way of life instead of just following some pre-destined mundane path.

    The money wasn't the plot, it was more like the obstacle...ironically.

  7. Anonymous1:50 am

    I actually think the drama ended quite well.
    Michiru finally the control that money has over human ethics and morals. Throughout the entire ordeal, the lottery money has been her central focus and it ends up causing a lot of agony and loneliness. It is because of the pain she feels (and also her husband's bravery to turn himself in to redeem himself)that she decides that she too needs to start anew.

    This is why Michiru ends up leaving her winnings at the church which sort of ties in with her mother's wish to be 'saved' (in this case, saved from the deadly sin of greed)
