Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Minna Esper Dayo! eps 3

As mentioned in the previous post, I found another source for this dorama which was pandora tv. The bad news is that you need to pay money to watch it in normal resolution. I don't mind paying money but this doesn't go to Sono Sion's pocket. Maybe Furransu pays for the premium and uploads to d-addicts since it allows HD download of the videos or maybe he gets them Japanese P2P programs. I've been reading up on Japanese P2P programs and the new ones require a 100kb/s upload. If Furransu's uploads haven't caught up by the end, I might consider getting the premium since it lasts for 30 days to get all the episodes. At least Furransu uploaded the Japanese subs for ep 3. :)

I actually started subbing ep 1 but gave up after subbing the first 5 minutes cause its so much work. I found myself translating stuff literally cause trying to translate the meanings is a pain. On the Furransu not uploading doramas unless there are English subs thing, it is sad but beggers can't be choosers. There's an alternate rip by \( -o _ o- )/ but its Chinese hardsubbed which I dislike cause its so distracting. If Furransu's prerogative is to try to get as many Jdoramas subbed that's fine but it disregards people who know Japanese, not that he owes us anything.

So now we have two mind readers and a telekinetic who can only move things when there is a sexual motivation, as we find out in this episode. Kamogawa Yoshio (Sometani Shota) and Hirano Miyuki (Kaho) both being able to mind read leads to a lot of humour, especially in relation to his obsession with Asami (Mano Erina). Who can blame him really.

Screencap of the year and an actual confirmed non-stunt-pantsu Mano Erina shot!

The third episode is about the fourth esper of the group, Enomoto who discovers at the end of the last episode that he can teleport, just that his clothes do not teleport with him. Enomoto sets his sights on Asami and this leads to the most disgusting phone sex scene ever. Can't wait for episode 4 cause everything else this season just screams generic except Kumo no Kaidan. This would be a good chance to start going through my jmovies backlog.

OMG, she said it again.


  1. Holy batman that is screenshot of the year indeed. Glad mano-chan worked with sion sono for this...

  2. I'm not complaining about all the pantsu shots, Kaho is well worth watching in this! But let's be honest, by most measures this show is complete trash. Not that I'll stop watching...
