Saturday, April 06, 2013

Bravely Default Flying Fairy rant

Finally finished this goddamn game after 100 hours. Since I only know one person who's finished this game and he's in Japan, I need to rant.

WHAT I LIKED - Old school FF.

WHAT I DIDN"T LIKE - Stupid characters for sake of plot.

This is far worse than Prometheus. Everything was great until it became Steins Gate and I love Steins Gate. Relooping time to change an outcome is only fun when people try to do things different.

In Bravely Default our stupid heroes keep doing the same exact thing 4 or was it 5 times expecting a different result. That is the very definition of insanity.

No one really things deeply about why things are not working. Hints stare our heroes in the face but they choose to bury their head in the sand rather than accuse Airy of being a lying fairy. Even with Ringabel's suspicions and memory coming back, he goes along and pretends to be shocked at the end.

Sure, you can expose Airy earlier but its not the true ending. That Stein's Gate writer is just trying to be too smart that he makes the characters look idiotic. Still better than FFXIII-2 though.


  1. Anonymous2:28 am

    You'd do well not to expect much quality out of Square Enix these days.

  2. They've been going away from old school stype RPGs to pokemon+FF with FFXIII-2 and now single player action game with FFXIII-3. Bravely Default is pretty good old school, its just one storyline choice that pissed me off.

  3. I lost my enthusiasm for the game too when the storyline started to loop for the second time. Like you said, if the repeats steered towards a different outcome then I would have been more content.

    Ringabel's suspicions and returning memories surely should have made him do something! As for Agnes, I don't know if that's called extremely strong faith or just stupidity. They had enough hints along the way from numerous people to have known something was very wrong!

    Anyhow, after 87 hours of gameplay I can finally move onto a different RPG! My perseverence has paid off by unlocking the true ending first time round. To be honest if I unlocked the fake ending first, I might have just left it at that...

  4. Looking back, I still can't believe the writer could get away with making the characters as stupid as they were.

    You could even say they were insane since they kept on doing the same thing. I think the backlash will be great when it comes out in English.

    I'm currently 60 hours into Zero no Kiseki on Vita. The Japanese in the game is so hard that I have to keep taking breaks cause my head just hurts.

  5. Loved the game till the looping, almost brought back my happy FFT days. Got some kyubei chills when I saw the title screen change and when they revealed the countdown on Airy's wings. Lots of great ideas, just a pity they had to do the repeating thing rather than have that time used for new content.

  6. Loved the game till the looping, almost brought back my happy FFT days. Got some kyubei chills when I saw the title screen change and when they revealed the countdown on Airy's wings. Lots of great ideas, just a pity they had to do the repeating thing rather than have that time used for new content.
