Thursday, March 07, 2013

Japan Day 14 part 1 : Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Hiroshima Castle

It acknowledges the Nanking massacre without getting into gritty details.

 Peace Memorial Park.

 Genbaku domu.

 Hawker chicken rice in Hiroshima? Sign partially covered.

 Super crappy ramen. I think the shop was called Shizuran.
 Entrance to Hiroshima castle.

 No toilets?! How did they do it back in the... oh the moat?

No pictures allowed inside. IMO better than Osaka-jo because its got lots of blades; katanas, wakizashis and naginatas. I learned my Japanese weapons from D&D and Ninja Turtles.

Plus, not that many tourists.

Stay tuned for part 2 with some of the best pictures yet!

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