Monday, March 04, 2013

Japan Day 11: Scandal Osaka-Jo Hall (Wonderful Tonight)

 I was recommended Osaka Tonteki. Apparently its a Yokkaichi specialty.

It was ok. Pretty cheap. They had a mega tonteki which was 500 grams of pork for 1300 yen as well as other type of dishes I want to try.

Arrived around 12.30 for the 4pm show and there was a Scandal cover band.

There was already a queue for merchandise..

 That stretched very, very far.

 Around 2pm queue reached the entrancw only to find that it actually snakes past the entrance to the other side. Queued for too long to give up.

 A shit lot of people.

 Finally made it about 3.20-ish. 3 effing hours of queing.

 Queue for toilet.

 View at Osaka-jo Hall. A lot of the new songs. No Pin-heel surfer. Best song was One Piece. Very heartfelt. I want to rip that live performance for my mp3 player. Ended with good ol reliable Doll and Everybody Say Yeah. Older songs are still better. Thanks once again to bframe5 for the tickets.

Went to Club Sega Avion at Namba. Stipid best of 3 rounds only. Then grandwarrior Abel player Shinba? showed up. High level Abel is like a totally different character. He demolished this master Rufus I had trouble with like nothing.
Don't like the front cause it doesn't say Scandal.

The other design did but I don't think it has this on the back. After Budokan's awesome shirt, this is a disappointment.

The yellow one was sold out for obvious reasons.

Didn't get thephotobook cause my luggage is getting heavy right now and I've got a lot more travelling to do.


  1. I like the front, and it says "Scandal" (at the very bottom)...


    Keep having fun...

  2. Didn't even notice that. Its such a noisy shirt.

  3. You are a lucky guy. I like Scandal, I've seen this concert (DVD) a lot of times (and Budokan´s too). I've ripped the sound and I listen often (enjoying live music). Good show, good feelings... good vibrations.
    Thanks for your pics and comments.
